Saturday 21 February 2009

Training in Earnest

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, not quite sure where the last couple of months have gone.

That's not to say that the training isn't still going on though. Did 11 miles today in 2 hours 45mins so very please with that. Beautiful day and walked all around Bushy Park and Hampton Court. Was in my thousand miles socks and just had the start of a blister coming up by the time I finished...some vaseleine should do the trick for future walks. Did suffer from really bad swollen fingers - need to find a tip to stop them.

Haven't really looked at thet training plan yet - but I imagine 11 miles is doing okay at this stage. Tomorrow's job is to sort out a proper plan. I've just changed jobs so I no longer have 4 miles walking every day as part of my commute. The evening are getting lighter though and I'm working in Windsor so I'm planning on doing some walking in Windsor Great Park when it gets lighter.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Training Blues too...

Just been reading Marathon Girl's blog and she's hit the nail on the head as to how I'm feeling about training right now! Haven't been for a proper walk (other than what I do normally on a day) for two weeks and haven't been to the gym for ages. 
It diesn't help that work is manic so I don't get home till late and by the weekend I just feel exhausted. I know that it's a vicious cycle and that if I actually did some training I would probably feel like I have more energy. But when it's cold and wet outside it's just so much more tempting to curl up on the sofa with a nice cup of tea...

Sunday 9 November 2008


Well, feel like I've earnt my lunch today. Scott and I went out for a nine mile walk (mainly along the Thames) and did the whole thing in 15 minute mile pace. Was starting to feel it a bit in my glutes and have a tiny blister (despite the 1000 mile socks). I blister really easily so I suspect even with the great socks I'll still need plasters and/or vaseline. 
So the weekend walks are going well - just need to get the motivation up for the weekday ones - treadmill at the gym is just sooooo boring! 
Gill x

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Training Routes

Evening everyone, 

Just a quick post tonight. Wanted to share a nifty website I've found for planning routes: Walk Jog Run. It's based on Google Earth, but not only can you create and save your own routes, if you put in your address/postcode then it will also show you routes created by others in your area. So if you're lacking some imagination in the route planning area then you can "borrow" some that others have made earlier! 

Gill x

Saturday 1 November 2008

Wet & Windy but Blister Free

Well it's absoulutely bucketing down outside now - earlier when I went out for my walk it was wet, and windy but not pouring. I did 6 and a half miles in 1 hour 39 mins so not too far off 15 minute mile pace which is what I'm aiming for. The walk was good - about half on tarmac footpaths and the rest on grass heath (which was a little muddy but not too much) Not sure if I would do that route again by myself as the heath was quite isolated...well more than quite - I didn't see a single other person in the 2 mile loop I did round it! Did see some rabbits and pheasants though!
Anyway gave my gear a good test - new trainers were very comfortable and no blisters from my 1000 mile socks! Also wore 3/4 length leggings under my trackie bottoms too keep me warm and also to prevent any chaffing - they lived up to the job well!
So that was my route above - I came home very cold and wet, but a shower, a cup of tea and some home made minestrone later I'm feeling good!

Gill x

Friday 31 October 2008

Postie, Postie

Well, the postman has been busy at our house the last few days!
I am now fully kitted out with four new pairs of (pink) 1000 mile socks, my new mizuno trainers and my all singing all dancing pedometer with flash light and personal alarm. 
Looking forward to getting out for a decent walk to break everything in tomorrow, though it looks like the weather down here is set to stay cold and get wet :-(
Still - as I chickened out of training in the rain last weekend, I am determined to get out tomorrow!
It's my anniversary on Monday so have a long weekend and Scott has planned something for Monday - though I don't know what - hopefully a nice surprise. 
Anyway, if I'm going to be motivated to do a walk in the rain tomorrow I need to go and update my ipod play list!
Happy Halloween everyone, 
Gill x

Monday 27 October 2008

Confessions of a fair weather walker

Okay - I admit it. It didn't take much to persuade me to go to the cinema instead of doing a seven mile walk when I looked out the window and saw it was pouring with rain yesterday! I'm not usually bothered by the weather when it comes to training, but yesterday I just couldn't face it!
Must do better in future.
I did manage to sort out some kit though...Found a couple of bargains - pink 1000 mile socks on ebay, and, despite saying I'd wait till New York for some new Mizuno's, I came across them on sale here with Newitts. Trail running shoes and last season's colours (grey and pink so I'm not complaining), but I find them so comfortable for walking. Obviously wouldn't recommend buying trainers online unless you're familiar with the brand and know your size and style from a previous pair, or from trying in a sports shop. Also ordered a new pedometer as I managed to drop and stamp on my old one whilst out running - went for this one which comes with a panic alarm and flash light. So that should be me all set for training when that all arrives. 
Plan is to go to the gym and do some walking on the treadmill (boring) tomorrow and Thursday and then do a longer walk on Saturday. Will do a couple of body balance sessions as well to keep me supple. That's the plan anyway :-)
Have a good week everyone. Don't let the dark evenings get you down too much!
Gill x